Junior/Senior High School Library |
Resources and Reference
Subscription Databases:
These links require a username and password
- EBSCO Host Magazines, newspapers, reference sources and specialized databases on health, literature,
world history, and education.
- NEWSBANK Select newspaper articles, magazine articles, science article digests, full-text newspapers,
newspaper archives, newspapers in Spanish, and more.
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Online Libraries:
These links do NOT require a username OR password
- WWW Virtual Library Excellent resources and links; distributed subject catalog, arranged alphabetically by
- Libweb From the Berkeley Digital library, this site provides a listing of over 6600 pages from
libraries in over 115 countries, including academic, public, national, state, special and school libraries
- Library of Congress Government and other resources provided by U.S. Library of Congress.
- Internet Public Library Provides resources, reference, exhibits, on-line texts, newspapers, magazines and other
- Librarians' Index to the Internet Developed by librarians, this is an excellent subject guide to some of the best selected
sites on the internet, providing more than 7,000+ resources. Searchable by subject headings as well keywords or titles. A
great tool!
- Thor : The Virtual Reference Desk From Purdue University Libraries, links to general reference materials such as dictionaries,
thesauri, almanacs, phone books, information technology, etc.
- refdesk.com A portal site containing almanacs, books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, news, maps, and
- Digital Librarian Online catalog of titles by subject area; online book reviews, periodicals, articles
and databases, all searchable.
- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) A guide to free educational Web sites created by federal government agencies. This is
a clearinghouse for all government resources. This provides an incredible amount of resources.
- The Chico High School Library Helpful Bookmarks Web page An excellent gateway to subject accessed links plus wonderful educator resources.
- The High School Hub An expansive site that is a great academic resource for high school students. Contains
subject guides plus interactive learning activities, college guides and a reference collection.
- ALA Resources for Parents, Teens and Kids Excellent book lists and web site resources provided by the American Library Association.
- Profusion A directory of over 10,000 databases, archives and search engines that contain information
that traditional search engines cannot access.
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- General Dictionary and Thesaurus Merriam-Webster dictionary on-line.
- YourDictionary.com A wide selection of over 300 dictionaries, including glossaries, specialty dictionaries,
foreign language dictionaries, and other word-related services.
- Slangsite.com A slang dictionary from Impulse Communications.
- Roget's Thesaurus From the University of Chicago's ARTFL project, this is Roget's original thesaurus.
- Onelook Dictionaries Not a dictionary itself, Onelook provides a search engine that locates terms in dictionaries
that are available free over the Internet. Over 600 dictionaries are indexed, including many foreign language and slang, as
well as subject specific dictionaries.
- Bartlett's Quotations Bartlett's Dictionary of Familiar Quotations on-line.
- The Quotation Page Excellent site provides simple or advanced searching for quotations in a variety of databases,
both modern and classic, plus browsable quotes of the day or week.
- Acronyms WWW Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations.
- Acronym Finder A large searchable database, containing about 155,000 acronyms, abbreviations and definitions.
- Rhyming Dictionary If you enter a word, the server will return a list of rhyming words.
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Biographical Resources:
- Biography.com A&E's database of over 20,000 brief profiles with links to websites, uses the Cambridge
Dictionary of Biography for its main source.
- The Biographical Dictionary Concise profiles of over 28,000 men and women from ancient times to the present, searchable
by keyword, including name, date, achievement, profession, creative works, and more.
- Lives, the Biography Resource The "largest guide to biography sites on the Web" is an index to thousands of sites containing
biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, letters, narratives and oral histories. Browse alphabetically by name, search
by era, region, or profession.
- Biographie.Net Biographical search engine indexes over 5000 biographical sites.
- Academy of Achievement A virtual museum of famous twentieth century individuals whose accomplishments in the
fields of arts, business, public service, science and exploration, and sports set them apart from others. Includes a profile,
a biography, and an interview of each notable individual.
- National Women's Hall of Fame Brief biographical info on famous American women in history.
- Women of the Century An excellent site which highlights important women of the 20th century and their achievements.
Features include exploration by decade and a timeline of important events.
- Time 100 This site, from Time Magazine, captures the 20th century and the people who made significant
contributions to the world. One section presents biographies of 100 extraordinary people who helped reshape the world. Each
bio includes photos, a timeline, and links to further information.
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Other Reference Tools:
- Information Please Web site provides a large reference database including an almanac, encyclopedia, dictionary,
and facts on sports, entertainment and business.
- AV Image Finder AltaVista's image search engine helps you find graphics and photos on many subjects.
- Webshots One of the largest photo and image finders on the web. Finds photos and images on many
- Ditto One of the more extensive picture databases allows you to find pictures on the web either
searching by keyword or browsing categories.
- The Amazing Picture Machine A massive collection of searchable quality kid-safe images, with information on copyright
and citation.
- Symbols Encyclopedia Symbols.com is the online version of Carol Liungman's book 'Thought Signs.' This site
contains more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according to their graphic characteristics. Contains a graphic
index and a word index.
- Map Collection Excellent links to all kinds of maps from the University of Texas.
- Maps.com Great maps for all nations and states plus travelers' maps and directions.
- MapQuest Get driving directions to and from anywhere in the country along with a full-color, interactive
- U. S. Zip Codes from the United States Postal Service.
- The National Address Server Provides addresses in proper format along with the Zip +4 code. Can also view a street
map of the address. Takes a while to load...be patient!
- U.S. Gazetteer Find places in the United States by name or zip code, and link to a detailed map and
census date.
- The Kelly Blue Book Excellent standard source of information on the value of new and used cars. Searchable.
- Ancestry.com A searchable database to help beginners and seasoned genealogists to help find your roots,
plus links to U.S. Census records, a Socials Security death Index and phone and address listings.
- Heritage quest From the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon Church), this site assists
the amateur genealogist in tracking down ancestors.
- Measure 4 Measure An excellent collection of measurement, estimation, conversion and translation tools.
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Online Magazines and Newspapers:
- Time Magazine full-text articles that provide a sampling to their full current issues. Includes some
- Entertainment Weekly full-text articles that provide a sampling to their full current issues. Includes some
- Money Magazine full-text articles that provide a sampling to their full current issues. Includes some
- Fortune Magazine full-text articles that provide a sampling to their full current issues. Includes some
- Classroom Connect One of the most widely used online magazines providing online curriculum links as well
as virtual learning experiences, projects and other educational material.
- NewsDirectory.com Offers numerous links to full-text journals and newspapers, including more than 5000
newspapers and magazines and computer publications.
- Newspapers Online Offers newspapers from around the world.
- The Newspaper Association of America Links to U.S. dailies, Canadian newspapers, collectives, weeklies, alternative press,
business papers, international press, press associations and college pages.
- New York Times Access to NYT daily news and information and a year's archives, join active debates,
and special sections for students, teachers, parents, complete with lesson plans and study guides.
- Advertising Age Online version of the magazine. Access to some archival issues back to 1995.
- 19th Century Advertising 1857-1872 "A taste of advertising pages that appeared in Harper's Weekly" 1857-1872. A great U.S.
history site!
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Other News Sources:
- CBS News This is CBS News continuous news and headlines, Including top stories and other features
like movie reviews.
- ABC News Includes feature stories .
- PBS Online Expanded news coverage and information on PBS programs.
- Television News Archive Since 1968, this archive has recorded, abstracted and indexed U.S. television newscasts.
This is an online guide to this impressive collection., which also includes such shows as "60 Minutes" and "Nightline".
- BBC Online News and features from the British Broadcasting Corporation, along with information on
programs. BBC World Service offers news in 44 languages.
- Newseum: The Interactive Museum of News Site of the Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to "free press, free speech,
and free spiit for all people." Contains exhibits on how the news media have both reported and influenced major events and
issues around the world.
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Study Guides and Online Tutorials:
- Ask an Expert Pitsco's"Ask an Expert" sites offer searching by subject category and the ability to
email an expert in your area of query .
- Digital Education Network Enormous educational site divided into several different "DENS" to help students in various
studies. You must register (it's free.)
- My Homework Helper From Refdesk.com. Homework help for grades 9 - 12. Has some great resources.
- Study Guides and Strategies A valuable site from St. Thomas University which gives help and advice on learning, studying,
taking tests, classroom skills, and much more.
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